Posts tagged with: aluminium incarceration


I started writing in a journal again a while back. I started doing this‒I don’t know, maybe 18 years ago, after reading Natalie Goldberg’s Writing Down the Bones. (Good book, that. I wish I still had my copy.) Following her example, I just wrote everything down in a standard 70-page school notebook. They go on …read more…

you are now free to wander about the cabin…

Not long after the aluminium incarceration came to an end, I wanted to spend a great deal of time reading. Reading has always been one of the great pleasures in my life, but a guilty pleasure. All that time spent reading really should be spent doing something productive, or so my inner Puritan told me. …read more…

…in matters vegetable, animal, and mineral…

During (and since) my recent aluminium incarceration, I’ve thought a lot about food. That is partly because while I was working insane hours, I craved the kinds of foods that I didn’t have time to prepare. In fact, while I was working there, I became a microwavarian, because I didn’t eat anything that didn’t come …read more…